Parent Questionnaire July 2018

In July 2018, Froebel House sent all parents a Parent Feedback Questionnaire. We received ninety responses to the questionnaire, some of which represented multiple siblings and family members within the school. The returned responses to the questionnaire represented just short of 90% of the school community. All questionnaires are on file should the authenticity of any of the comments represented be in doubt, the only difference being children’s names have been removed where included. – Mr A.Roberts Headteacher

Mr Roberts, further to the Froebel Questionnaire, these are the bits I couldn’t fit in the spaces!

I just wanted to email briefly to say thank you to everybody at Froebel. I was, I will admit, unsure last September whether Froebel would be the right place for my son. How wrong I was …he has blossomed in one year at your school in ways I could never have imagined. He has rediscovered the love of learning that I feared he had lost forever, learned about community, responsibility, tolerance, patience and understanding, gained friends and an acceptance of himself that he had never had before. The Froebel team have gently but firmly shaped his personality, encouraging his inquisitiveness whilst correcting his over exuberance, and all whilst making him feel valued as an individual. My son of July 2018 is so different from the boy of September 2017 to be virtually unrecognisable, so positive, confident and yet aware of the ways in which he can constantly strive for improvement in himself. Thank you all so much, I don’t think you will ever know the difference you have made in a young boy’s life.

Please feel free to share this with the team, so many members of staff are mentioned so regularly by my son that I know they’re all making a difference every day.

July 2018

We are extremely happy with Froebel, it is the best private school locally. Mu children have been to Hessle Mount and Hymers and Froebel exceeds them all.

Parent Questionnaire July 2018

Froebel is a very good school and well managed.

Parent Questionnaire July 2018
I sent my child to Froebel because I want my child to have a high standard of education. I am very happy with my decision and I feel my standards have been met.
Parent Questionnaire July 2018

I sent my children to Froebel to receive a top-class education and a good background in social manners and skills. I am extremely happy…I have six-year-old free reader and an eight-year-old carrying out long division. That is education!

Parent Questionnaire July 2018

At a difficult time in my son’s educational career, Froebel was recommended by colleagues. It has absolutely been the right choice. He is virtually unrecognisable from a year ago- he feels safe and secure knowing that discipline is fair, all children are treated equally and he is valued for his merits, as well as being corrected for his mistakes.

Parent Questionnaire July 2018

‘’As parents we have been very happy, and our son is also very happy. Thanks to all the teachers and staff.

Parent Questionnaire July 2018

We desperately wanted a traditional, methodical environment for learning that quite frankly was not a knee jerk reaction to the National Curriculums latest ‘fad’ and we have been delighted with all aspects of our son’s time there; the community spirit, the integrated house system and especially the ability to instil such pride and belonging in all pupils, displaying such consideration and polite manners at all times.

Parent Questionnaire July 2018
We chose Froebel to give my child the best start possible. I am very pleased we did.
Parent Questionnaire July 2018

Froebel has done a fantastic job with my children. Fantastic School.

Parent Questionnaire July 2018

Froebel is a wonderful school- We love it, the children love it! The curriculum is clearly broad and rich and of quality. I feel that each child is encouraged to reach his or her full potential. The head and staff are role models- they are well educated, well mannered, professional and kind- everything I would expect of a teaching staff- I feel my children are nurtured and supported. I think there is a common misconception that private schools are just full of rich children- This is not true- we are not rich, we are just discerning and not willing to accept the mediocrity we see offered in the state schools. Where others choose to spend their money on high fashion and foreign holidays, we choose to spend ours on the environment and education that only Froebel offers.

Parent Questionnaire July 2018

Our two daughters have benefitted greatly from their experience at Froebel House. The Teachers inspired a love of learning and they developed a good work ethic. I’m sure they will both look back with great fondness. Thanks again for all the support.

Parent Questionnaire July 2018

We had heard that Froebel was a well-structured and very inclusive educational institution with good emphasis on academics. We are very pleased that Froebel is all that we had heard and even more. Froebel is a community we are proud to be part of.

Parent Questionnaire July 2018
The Heateacher is fantastic and his ‘open door policy has been a great support to us as a family. Froebel has core values of academics and discipline and respect which my children have greatly benefitted from. Fantastic building blocks for life. Thank you.
Parent Questionnaire July 2018

Prior to my child starting school, I visited Froebel and a nearby ‘OFSTED Excellent’ school on the same day. The decision was an instant no brainer. I could not wish for a more dedicated staff or supportive environment.

Parent Questionnaire July 2018
The school we feel is the best primary school in Hull, the learning is great, the discipline is very good, and the rules and boundaries help children very much. We are pleased we sent our children to Froebel, it is making a big difference to us as a family.
Parent Questionnaire July 2018

I am extremely proud that both my children attended Froebel House. They have had the best start anyone could hope for. It’s a lovely school.

Parent Questionnaire July 2018

We couldn’t have hoped for a better start for our daughter. Her reading, writing and numeracy have all developed beyond measure…Froebel is doing a fantastic job
for which we are very grateful.

Parent Questionnaire July 2018

Excellent level of education. Very happy!

Parent Questionnaire July 2018

I am very happy I sent my child to Froebel and believe he has been allowed to flourish.

Parent Questionnaire July 2018

We are extremely happy with the school and our child’s progress over the last three years. We are looking forward to the next two years at Froebel House!

Parent Questionnaire July 2018

Froebel House School has provided my daughter with an amazing level of education, but also a strong personal support which I do not feel I would receive from any other school.

Parent Questionnaire July 2018

Very pleased with both my children’s education at Froebel. It’s been a real pleasure to see them develop over the ten years we’ve been coming. Sorry to say goodbye.

Parent Questionnaire July 2018

I wish we had sent her earlier but am pleased I sent her in year 4. The staff and atmosphere of the school will be sorely missed. Thank you for everything.

Parent Questionnaire July 2018

The OFSTED report based no resemblance to the school experience my daughter speaks so positively of and we, as parents, have witnessed. Ironic that the report
speaks so highly of the pupils, their behaviour, work, attitude yet this was ignored. I would have thought this was the most important thing.

Parent Questionnaire July 2018
I am very happy with Froebel, the quality of education is very good and the staff are excellent.
Parent Questionnaire July 2018
My son loves coming to school and has developed a passion for being there. Best decision we have made in sending him there.
Parent Questionnaire July 2018

My son started Froebel and went straight into Year 4. We thought it was a fantastic school and decided straight away to put our daughters name down. Froebel House brought on my son so much academically and also his confidence, I love the way the school is being run.

Parent Questionnaire July 2018

We wanted a school that would help my child develop academically with no fear of bullying. A school that would have time for one to one development, where the child would not be lost in the system. We are really happy with Froebel House and its staff.

Parent Questionnaire July 2018