Dear Parent/Guardian,

Welcome to what is going to be your child’s first experience of Froebel House School and hopefully a positive one! We understand what a huge milestone starting school is for you and your child and although things are different this year, we want to ensure that you feel welcome, informed and as ready as possible for the start of the new academic year.

As I’m sure you can appreciate all children starting in September are doing so under unprecedented circumstances. Fortunately, the school is operating in the much same way as it way it did prior to the end of term in July, only now we are thankfully back to full days.

At this moment in time the school’s position regarding the start of the year is the following:

  • Froebel will open on Wednesday 9th September as planned and following government guidelines will return to full days. Froebel will open at 8.00am for the first drop off’s and will have after school for pupils from Year 1 and above only.
  • As previously mentioned, the opening of school will be guided by the following principles:


  • Protect the health and safety of students and staff
  • Follow the guidelines set out by the Government
  • Provide students with some familiarity of school routines for social/emotional/academic learning
  • Provide clear expectations for teachers, parents and students during this emergency learning environment.


  • The school will return to a full day. It’s important to note each day throughout the week will be governed by staggered start and finish times and staggered lunch and break times. Classes will remain within their class pods throughout the day wherever possible.
  • The school will not participate in assemblies until further notice.
  • Homework will be sent home as per normal.


I order to safeguard the community to the best of our ability and allow for the continuation of learning, I have detailed below clear expectations of both children and parents. I have also outlined other procedures we have in place to ensure transparency and to offer parents accurate information regarding the protocols and expectations in place.



Daily Protocols and Procedures:

  • Each year group will arrive and depart at staggered intervals throughout the day (Please note siblings will be allowed to be dropped off together).
  • There is no early morning drop off. Children must arrive at the designated times.
  • No assemblies will take place until further notice
  • All movement around and within the building is to happen with the expected 2 meters distance in place.
  • Upon entering school, students will use hand sanitizer before going to classrooms.
  • Students will wash their hands every time they leave and enter the classroom
  • No parent entry into school
  • All break times are staggered to reduce the number of children outside in the playground at any one time.
  • Any child exhibiting any COVOD -19 symptoms before school will be refused entry and any child developing symptoms at school will be sent home immediately.
  • No traffic in the corridors with all transitions taking place when other classes are back in their classrooms.
  • Cleaning at lunchtime and deep clean every day from 3-6pm which includes door handles, toilets, bannisters and all tiled floors.
  • A thorough desktop surface clean before departing for the playground with antiseptic spray and wipes (which will be provided for each class)
  • The availability for teachers to wear face masks when within immediate proximity to the students (1-1 and incidents of First Aid)
  • After School – is available to all students apart from Reception children until further notice. Please note the children will be placed in classes and occasionally mixed during the session, but strict social distancing protocols will be observed, and year groups will be isolated wherever possible.

Expectations of children:

  • Children will be allowed in the building at the assigned staggered start times only (unless they are accompanying a sibling).
  • Children enter the building without parents.
  • Children must sanitize their hands when entering the building.
  • Children must adhere to the 2-meter rule when entering and exiting the building.
  • Children will wash hands upon leaving and entering the classroom using the hand sanitizer available.
  • In order for these arrangements to work well, it is really importantfor children and parents to adhere to these times without fail.
  • Children will assemble outside as they would do normally before being called to the classroom. Social distancing rules will be observed at all times both inside and outside.
  • To ensure they are fully prepared with everything they need to work as normal.

Expectations of parents:

  • Parents will arrive at the assigned staggered start time and dismissal time – it is very important to keep to these times to encourage social distancing.
  • If their child(ren) if exhibiting any of the COVID 19 symptoms that they ensure they do not attend school under any circumstances and that they follow the guidance for households with possible or confirmed case of coronavirus infection. It’s important to note having had the test, and even with a negative result, they must remain in isolation for the remainder of the 14-day isolation period. The reason for this being they could still develop COVID 19 within the remaining days.
  • If your child is exhibiting a temperature DO NOT GIVE THEM CALPOL to reduce the temperature so they can attend school.
  • Any child showing symptoms at school must be picked up immediately.
  • Parents drop off their children outside of the building.
  • Parents will pick up children at the times noted in the schedule.


  • What happens if a member of the school community tests positive for COVID 19?
  • All community members are required to inform the school if they or a family member has tested positive for COVID 19.
  • Due to the classes being in their pods throughout the day, the class pod in direct contact would be sent home and would be advised to self-isolate for 14 days since their point of contact with the infected person
  • The school will then contact the local health protection team.
  • Please note according to government guidance household members of those contacts who are sent home do not need to self-isolate themselves unless the child who is self-isolating develops symptoms themselves within the 14-day window.
  • Parents should follow the government guidelines as detailed below:


  • Track and Trace: All schools are required to participate in the Track and Trace system and Froebel will work with the Health protection team to ensure we are part of a response system that allows for the immediate tracking and tracing of community members that are in the high-risk category.


We don’t yet know what restrictions will still be in place in September, but we are currently planning for as normal a start as possible.


What does it mean to be in Reception at Froebel House?


Reception Teachers: Miss Ramesar (in the morning) and Mrs Clater (in the afternoon)


Drop off time: 8.15am – We will take your child and take care of them, tears are not always inevitable and if that be the case, please don’t fuss and allow us to get them into the playground quickly. The longer you remain the harder it is to transition the child.

Prompt collection time: 2.45pm




  • Due to the strict staggered timings for arrival and departure, and to avoid the congregation of parents in the front of the school, parents are not permitted to enter the school to talk with teachers, whomever is on the door can relay a message to the teacher.
  • Should you need to communicate with the teacher, please do so using the green book bag by note/letter or if urgent, please contact the office and Mr Roberts will notify accordingly.


What your child should bring / not bring:


  • Children must wear a full school uniform.
  • Children should bring their PE kit/Swimming Bag on the day of the activity and take it home immediately afterwards for it to be washed accordingly.
  • Children bring their school bag in each day in which their reading bag will be placed.
  • Water bottles must be taken home to be cleaned and refilled on a daily basis. Froebel provides all the new students with a water bottle.
  • Children are not to bring anything other than their bookbag and PE/Swimming Bag.
  • Please do not send in pencil cases or stationery as these are provided by the school.
  • A packed lunch.


The school day:


  • Break and lunch times will be staggered, and each group will have a designated break time area.
  • We will not be having any whole school
  • The daily routine in Reception follows a similar pattern to all other classes in Frobel, with some additional routines.
  • During teaching time, your child will work in the classroom on maths and language activities, their social studies, creative and imaginative work, and a range of other activities.
  • They have opportunities to work in a large group, a variety of smaller groups, in pairs and individually, as well as time to initiate their own learning.




  • In Reception, the curriculum centres around active learning. Students are involved in hands -on experiences in language, maths and social studies, enabling them to make sense of their world, and construct learning in a meaningful way.
  • We take a developmental approach to language and literacy. Students arrive at school with knowledge and understanding about print, reading, and writing. We build on this by giving students meaningful opportunities to behave like readers and writers. Each student is treated as an individual, we are skilled at identifying where a child is, and supporting them to take the next appropriate step.
  • Morning sessions will predominantly focus on key skills of Maths and English (including, reading, writing and phonics and spelling).
  • When working mathematically, young children work with real objects to build on understanding of sorting, classifying and patterning. These skills are the basis of understanding all mathematical concepts. Students have extensive opportunities to work with manipulatives before beginning to record what they have done using symbols.
  • Our Units of inquiry also engage students in active learning, with meaningful experiences aimed at developing their understanding of important concepts.
  • We are starting this first term with the theme of ‘ Who we are Me and You’’
  • Along with mathematical, language and literacy skills, the classroom environment enables children to explore individual areas of interest, as well as develop physical, social, personal and emotional skills in a safe, welcoming and stimulating environment. The areas are as follows;
  • Writing Area, Maths area, art and design area, book corner, construction and small world, Imaginative Role play area.




  • Once settled reading books and some homework will be set and sent home. It is not extensive but is designed to support the English and Maths curriculum.



Lunch at school:


  • Children have their packed lunch in the classroom, please ensure they have healthy snacks that do not include sugar and chocolate.


Special Events:


We are happy to celebrate birthdays at school with a small treat (nut free) to share with cupcakes and cookies being ideal!). If you distribute birthday party invitations at school, please ensure you include every child in the class.


How can you help at home?


  • Please read with your child every day! Research shows that children who regularly share books with an adult at home consistently do better in reading later on. Looking at and sharing books for enjoyment is an essential part of learning to read.
  • Encourage your child to be independent. Support them in remembering and organising the things they need for school, such as their homework folder, or book bag, Swim bag, PE bag.
  • Talk to our child about what they have done at school. Don’t be put off by the typical response “I played”. Let your child initiate the conversation, or ask guiding questions about where they worked, who they worked with and what they enjoyed or learned.


Although we are living in unprecedented times, Froebel House looks forward to making your child’s start as enjoyable and as educational as can be whilst respecting and applying all the suggested government guidelines wherever possible to minimise the risk of COVOD-19.


Kind regards,


Mr Roberts